Banyuwangi, (MTsN 1) — FRIDAY, (09/08/24). GERBANG activities or what is known as the “Gerakan Bahasa Asing” look a little different from usual. H.Munawar Effendi, S.Pd., M.Pd.I, The Head master of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 1 Banyuwangi, was seen leading and directly involved in transmitting foreign language conversations with his students. The entire teacher council participated in dialogue using foreign languages (English & Arabic) by spreading out in a circle on the main courtyard of the madrasah.
H.Munawar Effendi, S.Pd., M.Pd.I as Headmaster of MTsN 1 Banyuwangi said that this activity would be routinely held every Friday morning before reading qur’an activity. “From Monday to Thursday you will get materials related to both Arabic and English, and every Friday we will practice together and whoever can answer my questions will immediately get a prize from me amounting to IDR 400,000.” He said
This activity still explores “Greetings & At-taaruf” led by English and Arabic subject teachers, then continues by providing and preparing students to carry out conversations related to daily student activities such as greeting each other and brief introductions. In the next activity, students were asked to practice a greeting dialogue. The aim of holding GERBANG activities regularly is not only to train students in foreign languages but also to familiarize students with communicating using foreign languages.